Friday, December 2, 2016

Michigan Re-count

Many of us know President elect Donald Trump has accused Hilary Clinton of voter fraud during early voting, but once voting day ended and the result came out a lot of people now say trump is in the middle of voter fraud. Many people say this because he filed an objection to recount Michigan votes, which makes it seem like he is trying to hide something. If he wasn’t worried he wouldn’t have a problem with a recount because he knows it doesn’t matter. Some believe that Michigan shouldn’t worry about a re-count because it will cause too much commotion among the Electoral College, in an article I found in the Huffingtonpost said “Simply put, Michigan should not grant this lawless, insulting request,” it says, “and its voters should not risk having the Electoral College door knocked off its hinges, all because a 1-percent candidate is dissatisfied with the election’s outcome.” Which is understandable yet if a state wants a recount they deserve a recount no questions asked. A state shouldn’t even have to think about asking to have a recount it’s just not the way we should run an election, but in this evil corrupt society where people would shove someone in the dirt just be first place is a world war three waiting to happen.

1 comment:

  1. In my fellow classmate, Thomas McDill’s blog, he emphasizes the suspicion that candidate Donald Trump committed voter fraud because of his request to recount Michigan’s vote. As questionable as this sounds I feel as tho this is unnecessary because at the end of the day I don’t believe this makes much of a difference in the outcome. Donald Trump has already won the electoral vote, so what difference would it have made? if there was a possible “mistake,” so to speak in Michigan, what other mistakes could have been made in other states that we aren’t at all aware of? I agree and sympathize with McDill when he mentions that it would only be righteous to allow Michigan to have a recount. In addition, I also find it ridiculous that this situation occurred, being that that is exactly what President Elect, Donald trump accused Hillary Clinton of doing.
