Tuesday, December 13, 2016

My Comments on a Commentary

I agree with you Hyeseong An, your discussion “What US government should do?; who will pay for the ‘free’ service?”, which is simply about ‘free’ child healthcare and how we can make it work correctly has been a topic of discussion for many people. I completely agree with your statement it is inevitable for government to use a tax, but the problem is limitation of using a tax… increasing taxes contradicts the purpose of the free child care policy that is releasing the economic burden of citizens.” The taxation would make it just discounted child healthcare, or healthcare people pay for regardless of if they have children or not. The one thing I don’t agree with is asking other parents at a children’s daycare to donate to lower income families, although some people may do it graciously, others may find it insulting. I feel like you are on the right track, maybe just creating a ‘healthcare for kids’ fund that takes donations at many different places, it will not be just for a couple of kids but for many different kids across the nation. I enjoyed reading your blog Hyeseong, thank you for the wonderful article.

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