Friday, November 4, 2016

Snowball fight.

In the recent weeks, it has been a time for digging up secrets and sharing them with the world, well at least for the top two Presidential candidates, Hilary Clinton and Donald Trump. There have been various scandals uncovering the truth, or lies, which remain with the candidates of this election. Ranging from leaked e-mails to unpaid/unfiled taxes and from a sick opponent to a breaking the law opponent. This election is very messy, just about as messy as spilling a gallon of oil on the kitchen floor, it’s hard to know what to do and how to go about it. 

It seems like Mr. Trump and Secretary Clinton are having snowball fights in each speech in the campaign and-or debate in the recent months. At certain times neither of them really answer the question they just say things in a very vitriolic way toward each other. Even on social media the fight continues to remain between the supporters and the candidates themselves. And they hashtag it out day and night splurging their support, hoping it will make a difference. Some social media things make since and something do not. I was recently reading an article online on New York Times, that stated the 282 people and place trump has criticized over that campaign, like Iran and Mexico. A couple things he said about Mexico, “totally corrupt gov't”, “totally corrupt”, “we get the killers, drugs & crime, they get the money!”, “unbelievable corruption”, “not our friend”, “they're killing us”. And he said, referring to Iran, “doing many bad things behind our backs’”. The list goes on for a while stating just about all the things trump has said towards others or about others. Though he is fairly honest and tells you how it is, I believe one day he will be too honest about the wrong thing and end up hurting himself and others.

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