Thursday, October 20, 2016

disappoint of media during elections

In a blog I found on,, John Aravosis talks about a guy on twitter who rants about how the media has been very disappointing this presidential election. This blog post is mainly intended for the social media thriving young adults. The twitter feed is written by a guy named Matthew Chapman, who is writer over at Blue Nation Review. He has 40+ posts (pictures of each post supplied by Aravosis) on twitter explaining his disappointment with the media’s roll in the election, which means not being supplied with proper information on the candidates’ policies, specifically Clinton’s. One very interesting thing Aravosis said was, “When is the last time you heard anything about what Hillary Clinton plans to do as president? You’ve heard a lot about the Trump campaign’s false claims that Hillary is ill and that she’s a “racist.” We’ve also heard a lot about the now-debunked Associated Press story about the Clinton Foundation.”. He said enough to catch my attention, because we have heard the media bash Trump so much we forget to bash Clinton. Well not really bash in the physical context, but in the verbal context. 

I agree that Hilary has somehow slipped out of sight from the mainstream social media’s evil eye. And Aravosis explains how Chapman says “they’ve done nothing to educate us on the candidates’ policy (especially Clinton’s). They are only barely covering the candidates’ records”, which it true in so many ways during the presidential debates. They ping pong back and forth between questions making you feel like the question wasn’t even answered, which leaves you puzzled and confused. Chapman explains in his tweets that if the media did its job we would all know about the policy platforms, and that Clinton puts disability rights front and center. And also she is the first candidate, ever, to have an autism rights platform. To me that is quite ridiculous, these platforms need to be able to be easily accessed by the mass majority of people.

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